Hello, My name is Kelsey Jan Howard. I was born in Sioux City, IA in 1989. My parents are from Hinton, IA which is where I lived until I was 2 years old. We then moved into Sioux City and I have been here ever since. I went to Bryant Elementary, Hoover Middle School and North High school. Interesting fact: my class was the last graduating 8th grade class out of Hoover before North Middle was built. I graduated high school in 2008 and from there I started working at the Sioux City Country Club and took gen eds at Western Iowa Tech. I have lived in several different homes, all of which were on the Northside of Sioux City. The Northside has my heart but morningside is what makes Sioux City so great as it is where our city is prospering. From college classes to waitressing, I decided to take a break from college and focus on working to save up money. I had no clue what I wanted to do, so this was the perfect move for me. I continued working at the SSCC and also picked up a second job at Minervas on Hamilton.
At the age of 20, I found out that my high school sweetheart, Adam and I were to become parents! We were excited, nervous, and anxious! We were very fortunate to have the amazing support we had from our family and friends. I’m sure you have heard the saying “it takes a village to raise a child” well that is what we had! A village of love. In May of 2010, our son Kaide was born. We were so in love with this tiny little human. He was absolutely perfect. The best combination of us both. We jumped right into the parenting roles with ease. It felt as if God had intended to send us this blessing.
As a new mother, I found a Mon-Friday job working at Wilson Trailer Company. I started as a scanning tech and quickly moved to the Director of Sales. I worked here for a few years until we got pregnant with our second child (I was 24 years old). We agreed that I would stay home with our little ones and start and in home daycare. In August 2013, our beautiful daughter Khloe made her appearance, and not without scaring the heck out of us! We ended up having an emergency c-section as her heart rate was dangerously low. Afterwards, we found out the cord was wrapped tightly around her neck, not one, not two, but three times! Thankfully, the doctor got her out quickly and she was just fine. Our lives were complete. Khloe was the perfect addition and Kaide jumped right into the big brother role with ease.
I stayed home with both our children til Khloe was a year old, I then found a part time position at Beth’s on Fourth Street. If you aren’t familiar with Beth’s shop, then I highly suggest you get familiar with it! It is a locally owned artificial floral and home decor shop. Side Note: Beth hand makes all the beautiful arrangements herself! I worked here for one year when I found a receptionist position at CENTURY 21 ProLink just down the street. The job was a Mon-Friday salaried position which was perfect for me with having a family. I was titled as the Director of First Impressions and the Pending Coordinator.
Sometimes in life we get lucky, or so people seem to think we do. Well, I like to consider myself one of those so called “lucky ones”. From the first day on the job, I knew this was the place for me. The real estate world excited me. It was the fast pace, smiley face, all over the place type of gig. People were in and out of the office constantly, always on the move. I was the center of the office, I answered all the calls and got to deal first hand with all the Realtors. They would come in with smiles one minute and frowns the next. It was ups and downs, left and right, black and white. I loved it. I worked this position for 3 years everyday, knowing that someday I would take the leap myself and become a licensed Realtor. In August of 2017, I passed my 60 hour pre-license course and took the three 12 hour classes in Des Moines , IA. Once completed, I took the test and passed surprisingly with ease. My obsessive studying over the last 3 months had paid off! I was beyond myself with excitement. From a young working mom who never finished college to a licensed Realtor. My dreams were coming true!
On September 1st, 2017 I hung my Real Estate license within the same company at CENTURY 21 ProLink. I switched from staff to agent and it felt great! I was fortunate to have joined the seasoned Barb Maxon Team. Barb was the perfect mentor, teacher and friend. She was supportive, caring and pushed me to get out there and dream big! And not to settle for anything less than Success. The office training took about 10 weeks, from there I jumped right into my first sale. 2019 came and I received my very first award for production. It was the Bronze award. Second quarter I received my second award, which was the silver award. We all have heard those stories of people finding their dream job and the response is usually an “eyeroll” like yeah right, no one loves their job that much.. Well you might as well roll your eyes now because I am here to say that I am one of those people. I found my dream job, or as I like to say I found my calling. I love Real Estate and all that it entails. Everyday presents new challenges and new learning opportunities.
I have had my license for 2 years since September, 2018. When I'm not working or shall I say “rocking” real estate, you will find me with my high school sweet heart Adam and our two children, Kaide and Khloe. We enjoy staying home, ordering in, and playing games as a family. We dont live the extravangant life style but we are happy and that is all that matters to us. Life is too short to be anything but.
If you have any questions about my real estate services, or what I can do to help you, please don't hesitate to ask. Send a text or email, make a call or just stop on by my office. Either way, I am here to help in any way I can. I don’t claim to know it all, I just give you my all.
Kelsey J. Howard